Hiba Academy Nantong, admits boys and girls with a wide range of skills and capabilities, including those who can demonstrate academic ability and an enthusiasm for the arts, music, sports and service. Along with the pupil’s ability to flourish within our school, we also look for families that will thrive within our Hiba community. Other important characteristics are:
For further information, please call the admissions office by email admissions.hsn@huilieducation.cn
For more information, please fill out the form below and we will contact you shortly.
Enquire nowHiba Academy Nantong is accepting applications for the next academic year. Please submit an enquiry form so that the admissions team can contact you invite you to our upcoming events and information sessions.
Our admissions process will follow the guidance and regulations stipulated by the Jiangsu Education Bureau and we aim to make the admissions process as smooth, friendly and easy as possible. Our admissions process consists of following four steps:
For more information, please fill out the form below and we will contact you shortly.
Enquire now
Step 1 - Attend an Event to Find out More
Step 2 - Complete and Submit an Online Application Form via Open Apply
Step 3 - Admissions' Assessment
Step 4 - Admissions' Committee Review Application and Assessments
Hiba Academy Nantong Admissions Teacher
Hotline:0513-6807 8800
Email: admissions.hsn@huilieducation.cn
Website: nantong.hibaacademy.org.cn
School Address: 66 Haide Road, Su-Xi-Tong Science and Technology Industrial Park, Nantong, Jiangsu